From......THE ENGLISH TUTOR0ne-on-One Learning The right approach for your student COVID-19 has thrown the world of education upside down. So whether your student is being taught through distance learning, in a hybrid classroom, or in a classroom where everyone is "safely distanced," you are right to be concerned. Is your student losing out? Now is not the time for inaction. You need to make sure your student is receiving the education he or she needs to achieve longstanding academic goals. So now is the time to consider our one-on-one learning. This approach will give your student a personalized education program tailored to his or her exact needs. We specialize in overcoming the obstacles that keep students from achieving their goals, and we have been very successful helping sutdents acquire the skills they need in to excel in in English composition, reading and PSAT and SAT prep. Call us at Top Notch Tutoring to discuss your student's needs. April W. Klimley | 917-626-4838 or [email protected] Teaching Specialties Reading | Writing | Grammar Sentence, Paragraph, & Essay Structure College Essays | PSAT & SAT Prep | ASVAB Coaching For students in High school, college, and (sometimes) middle school April W. Klimley
Writer and College Professor EDUCATION: BA in English, cum laude, Vassar College | BS at the Columbia University School Journalism Adjunct English Instructor at Palm Beach State College, FL Formerly: Tutor in Writing Center of Broward College, FL, and Adjunct English Instructor at Brookdale Community College, NJ
Good writing skills are a cornerstone of success in the academic world, and they are also a major plus in later life. Archives
June 2021